The Kings

One King, One Queen, Four Princesses and One Prince

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

FaMiLy TrAdItIoNs...

Every Year for the last three years, we've gone up around Trapper's Loop to look at all the pretty fall colors and take pictures of our family. The only thing wrong with this plan is that we can never get a FULL family picture. This year are plan was foiled by a couple who came to eat dinner in the same spot we were but they set up camp right in front of the spot I wanted to take pictures. We were hoping they'd be quick eaters...unfortunately they weren't. So we packed up and drove farther on the road trying to find a good spot full of color and EASY to get to. Well we came to the end and we found an AWESOME spot. There was this big rock and all the colors on the trees. So we took some pictures and tried to avoid getting bit by the mosquitos. It was a successful trip and we got some great pictures.


Chelsea said...

beautiful. Way to put forth the effort because the pics are way cute!

Rachel's Family Blurp said...

Those are way cute pictures. We have that same family tradition, we are going this weekend. I just hope our pictures turn out as good as yours.

jcmlpickup said...

Your family is adorable! I wish we could go take pictures of fall weather..not so much luck here in Vegas! Some day! Trevor is getting so big! How are things going with the three kids? I REALLY need you to tell me how you get your slideshows to saty with each post. The one I made is always at the top or bottom!? Let me know ASAP! THANKS