The Kings

One King, One Queen, Four Princesses and One Prince

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Riley's First Day of School

I cannot believe that my little Riley Pie is a big third grader. It blows me away. She is learning to write cursive! I remember learning to write cursive. I remember third grade. You know your kids are getting older when the memories they're making are ones you can still remember making yourself. CRAZY!! On the first day of school, she was ready to go. We all walked together as a group with her friends and their moms. Riley is in a class that has two teachers who split the class time daily. Her teachers' names are Mrs. Alberts and Mrs. Strong. She LOVES it. She has a few friends in her class and each day she has come home saying that she made a new friend. She amazes me. She is such a good kid. She is so smart and talented and I know that she will do great things this year.

Here she is posing for the typical and all original first day of school picture on the front step

This was her desk on the first day. It was LOADED with goodies

After school after the walk home. This is Riley's group of friends she walks with everyday. Abbey, Alyssa, Carly and there are two people missing: Mia and Katie

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