The Kings

One King, One Queen, Four Princesses and One Prince

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Temple Square Lights

This year we went to see the lights on Temple Square in Salt Lake right before we left to go to California for Christmas. We were lucky enough to be accompanied by some very good friends of ours, the Beus family. We spent all day Saturday together in Salt Lake. We ate, laughed, shopped, laughed some more and just had a great time. We made it to temple square about an hour before the lights were to turn on so we went and watched the movie, Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. It was so good. I was so happy that we were able to go see that and I know that my testimony and the testimony of my girls was strengthened immensely.Afterwards we walked around and looked at all the lights. I am in awe every year at the sight of all the lights. All the detail they put into placing lights on every single branch. It's amazing. We have definitely started a new tradition with the Beus Family. We can't wait for next year.

My attempt at being creative with my photography. I think it turned out pretty good.

Paiters all bundled up. It actually wasn't too bad this year. It still was cold though.
Riley, Cami, Trev and Brooklyn in front of the nativity on temple square. Cache and Bells did not want to participate in the picture taking.

Cami Trev and Chad in front of the nativity. I love this picture. So cute.

Riley, Brooklyn and Cami at the fountain.

All of us in front of the temple. I just looked at this picture for the first time and thought,"Wow, those are all my kids! I have a big family!" I'm so blessed to have these cuties as my own. I'm also blessed to have such a sweet husband who also happens to be the GREATEST dad ever!

Eden and I. This girl is HILARIOUS! I love hanging out with her. We have so much fun together and I CANNOT wait for the next time...(wink wink)!

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