The Kings

One King, One Queen, Four Princesses and One Prince

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Fourth of July...(was a long time ago!!)

This year, our 4th of July festivities were very lax. We had dinner with my family on the Saturday before. We also set off some fireworks of our own that Andrew had purchased in another state. Thanks Andrew. The kids loved it. Then on the 4th, I got up and ran in the West Point 5k run. I got a personal best time of 24:35. Atleast I think that was my time, it's been a while since it all happened. After the run, I met Chad to watch the parade with the fam. The parade was in true West Point form this year. It was, small, to say the least but the kids had fun. Next we went to the park and looked around at all of the fun booths there was there. After a while, it was evident that we would have to head home because Trevor and Paityn were so tired. So we went home and we stayed at home the rest of the day. It was a great fourth. I love living by the park.We're close enough to see all that is going on and even go over and hang out for a bit, but we don't have to pack for an all day trip and we don't have to camp out at the park. We had a BBQ with all the trimmings, jumped on the trampoline, got ready for bed and then settled down for the fireworks show. West Point did not disappoint this year. The fireworks were fantastic. After that we put all the kiddos to bed and hit the hay ourselves. All in all it was a great fourth of July.

Roasting marshmallows over the stove with Penny at the family BBQ. It actually worked really well this way. No smoke to deal with but you still end up with a fabulously gooey smore.
Jenny joined in as well
Kaelynn and Riley doing some roasting themselves.

Riley lighting off her firework from Uncle Andrew. This may or may not have been an illegal one.
Cute Cami
Paityn was having a blast watching all of the fireworks.
Over time we got the whole neighborhood to come over and participate in our fireworks.

Trev LOVED the sparklers

All the kiddos watching the fireworks show that Chad was putting on.
Allison and I after our 5k run. Jenny ran with us as well but she headed home right after the race.
Paityn waiting for the parade, enjoying a treat.
This is Trev's "thumb's up" sign. He really liked the snakes and lizards.
This was a massive lizard that was on display. It was huge and his tail had been cut off in an accident with a door.
Waiting for the city fireworks to go off.

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