The Kings

One King, One Queen, Four Princesses and One Prince

Monday, February 22, 2010

Round 2: The Treasure Hunt Continues

Here we are again talking about something we've found tucked away in this house. Since we moved in, the toilet in the front bathroom has been up and down, loose and stuck, running and plugged if you will...sorry for the puns. I had to... LET IT OUT!!! Hahaha. Anyway back to the story. So sometimes the toilet flushes and runs properly and then it would get plugged and we'd have to plunge it out and then it would work again. Only to repeat the pattern the next month. We blamed it on the kids using too much toilet paper, which may still be partly true. But then we thought, well there is crap stuffed everywhere else in this house, why not the toilet too? So we finally called a plumber to come take a look. He came in smelling like cigarettes and work...if you know what I mean...and began to poke around. He told me that there was a foreign object in the toilet. Foreign? I thought to myself. That could be anything to a toilet!! If it's not toilet paper or a turd it's foreign isn't it? Our warranty only pays if it's NOT a foreign object. Tough...break!!! I stood by as he took the toilet off of the floor and reached up inside. Anxiously hoping to see a wad of hundreds safely protected in a ziploc baggy. What was it you ask? Take a look and see...

The scene of the crime...

The culprit!!! A ball point pen. Really? Yep. It was lodged in there sideways and it would get toilet paper wrapped around there and get clogged for a time until the paper dissolved and then it would run again. Crazy...and gross. Now that that is taken care of...what's next? I don't know what to expect next. A bike in the duct work? A body in the sheet rock? Keep watching your tv's...we might be on the next Unsolved Mysteries with our next discovery.


Becca said...

REALLY?!? A ball point pen!?!? I was hoping you would get lots of money in this find too! :) Better luck next time!

The Rockin Robertsons said... you need blog round 3:What's Cookin' Under The Stove?

Justin...&...Andrea said...

Ha ha That's hilarious...I'm putting money on the body in the wall thing. : )