The Kings

One King, One Queen, Four Princesses and One Prince

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Wanted: HELP!!!!!!

So I don't normally have a post without pictures...ever... but I just need some advice. HELP!!! Chad and I are at the end of our ropes with Trevor. We have been trying to get him to go to nursery and stay in nursery without us. Getting him to go into nursery is not a problem at all. He is BEGGING us to leave sacrament meeting and head for the toys and snacks right when the meeting begins. However if we dare leave him alone in the room or if for one second he loses sight of one of us he starts panicing. Panicing leads to rapid breathing. Rapid breathing leads to tears. Tears lead to all out SCREAMING. We are taking ANY and ALL advice now. What do we do to get him to let us leave him in nursery? How can we make him feel more comfortable? He's been going for7 months now...seriously???...7 months and he still can't be there by himself? He's almost 2 years old. Help me please. Any and all advice welcome.


SeelyFamily said...

I had a friend that had the same problem. They decided to "practice" nursery at home for FHE (maybe a little every night would be worth your time). They would do the nursery routine...come in, have a little snack, play with toys for a short time and they would tell him that it is time for mommy and daddy to go to their class and they would leave the room for 5-7 minutes. Each time they would lengthen the time. After a couple weeks of doing this, he allowed them to leave nursery...with only a few tears. :) Good luck! That is so hard.
I hope this makes sense.

The Rockin Robertsons said...

My advise for you BFF is: GOOD LUCK! Tage hated Nursery all two years he was there. We tried EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING! But on a serious note....I would explain to him you'll be back to get him in a couple of hours then just let him cry. Tell the leaders he needs to cry it out and you need to be strong and let him. He'll learn to stay. He'll soon learn you will come in a bit to get him AFTER church is over. It will just take lots of patience on the leaders part and lots of you running into the other room so you don't hear him crying. Be STRONG! You are a strong person, so I know you'll make it happen for the both of you.