The Kings

One King, One Queen, Four Princesses and One Prince

Monday, March 19, 2012

Wood Badge Adventures part 1...

Chad had to go to Wood Badge this last weekend. Wood Badge is a long three day weekend away from home, at a place that has no cell phone service. That's how I view it. It is also a place where scout leaders go to get training on how to be good effective scout leader. The three days were CRAMMED with activities and lessons in which Chad found very fun and informative. I on the other hand, was left at home, alone, pregnant and sleep deprived with four kiddos to take care of and no way to get a hold of Chad to tell him what was going on. Here's how my weekend went. On Thursday I had to take Riley to the doctor for a rash she had on her bum. A very nasty looking rash that consisted of 10-15  pimple looking things on her bum cheeks. That rash turned out to be a staph infection that luckily was healing and going away due to the home remedy of hydrogen peroxide rub down every night. Paityn got a shot for her two year check and off we went. The kids were behaving pretty good and we were doing ok. We went to the park and played and then came home and had a good dinner. The kids and I played some games and then they got ready for bed and were out like a light. Day one completed, not too shabby I thought. I didn't receive much sleep that night due to the fact that I can't sleep when Chad is not home. Friday everyone was well and I got the girls ready for school and off they went. I then got ready and grabbed Paityn and Trev and we went to Cami's class to help with reading. It was there that the first sign of disaster showed it's ugly head. Paityn started saying her tummy hurt and she looked really sick. Throw up sick. So we finished up with the reading and went home. Paityn was fevering and sick to her stomach the rest of the day. She just laid on the couch hovering over a bowl. She only threw up the one time thank goodness, but her fever was escalating rapidly. In the meantime I was giving Trev steroids to control his asthma but he was doing pretty good. My neighbor came over and informed me that the day before, so Thursday afternoon, when her son and niece were over at our house playing, Cami had the idea to play and modest version of strip tease in our basement. I was mortified. My daughter at my house thought of what? A talk would soon be had by Cami and I about modesty and activities that are against the rules with people of the opposite sex.Where was Chad when I needed him? We had dinner, Paityn didn't eat anything she was still feeling yucky. We watched Mr. Poppers Penguins and off to bed we went. I decided to go to bed when the kids went to bed since I was tired and got little sleep the night before.Day two, completed.I laid down but sleep eluded me. One hour passed, two hours passed. Then Paityn started calling me in. She was so hot and uncomfortable and she felt sick to her stomach. I kept up on the doses of Tylenol and Motrin but the fever would not break. Luckily all of the other kids slept really well. Paityn was up every 20 minutes or so and I was worried so I never fell asleep. Then at 2:30 a.m. it happened. I heard Paityn scream. I ran into her room and she was laying down not saying anything, she just looked scared. Her eyes were the size of bowling balls and she was shaking. She was also twitching and having spasms. She said she needed her bowl. I sat her up and put the bowl in front of her. The shaking and spasms got worse. The scariest thing was the fact that she looked scared and didn't seem to recognize me or know where she was. She wouldn't say anything. She just kept twitching and looking from left to right. I grabbed my baby and ran to the phone. She was still shaking in my arms. I dialed 911 and the operator came on, "911, what's your emergency." Holy cow am I really doing this? I explained what was going on and ten minutes later the paramedics showed up in an ambulance with lights spinning. Trev would have loved to see this. In came the paramedics and they had just started checking Paityn out when she puked into the bowl. They took her temperature and her fever had finally broke. They said that she could've had a fever induced seizure but since she was fine now, they couldn't really say. Then he said the dumbest thing in which I felt he was talking down to me. He said "Looks like she is just battling her first of many bouts of the flu. Maybe she was just shaking as she was gagging to throw up." I wanted to say "Sir how many times do you think I have had a child with the flu? I have four kids, all of which have had the flu MULTIPLE times. This isn't Paityn's first time and this isn't my first rodeo. Something was DEFINITELY wrong!" Instead I just said "Ok. Thanks for coming out." They got all of our information and away they went. I laid on the couch with Paityn, scared to be away from her in case something happened again. She fell asleep pretty fast. I laid her down in her crib about an hour later. It was now 4 in the morning. I wanted to sleep so bad. I was able to get a little sleep but Paityn woke up at 5:30 and needed more medicine and she laid back down. Then at 6:30 she wanted to get up and out of bed. I put her on the couch and we watched a movie. The rest of the kids woke up and Saturday had begun. Chad called at about 6:30 Saturday evening and said he was on his way home. He asked how we were doing. I said, "Do you want me to start with the lack of sleep I've had in the last two nights or with the 911 call I made last night?" I told him all about our fiasco when he got home. It was a tearful reunion and I felt at peace as soon as he walked in the door. I think I actually got a glimpse of how the wives of the men who joined the Mormon Battalion felt when their husbands came home. Mine was only gone three days but it felt like an eternity. The best part? Notice I put "Part 1" in the post title? That's right. We get to do it all over again next weekend. Let's pray it goes a lot smoother this time. To be continued...

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