The Kings

One King, One Queen, Four Princesses and One Prince

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Wood Badge Part 2

Nothing much to report for this weekend of wood badge. Chad left on his birthday, so we celebrated on Wednesday. We had a good night together eating good food, opening presents and having dessert. When he left I was a little worried of the events that would follow but I knew that we would be protected. Chad gave me a blessing before he left just to calm my spirits a little bit. This time was easier to handle I think because I knew he wouldn't be able to call me. Last time I kept thinking, "maybe today he'll call." and it never happened. This time though, he took the ipod touch and was able to email me a few times so that was much better. The kids and I had fun enjoying the nice weather and doing our normal day to day things. The kids miss their Daddy when he's gone. I felt bad for them. Especially Trev. He's a big time Daddy's boy. On Thursday night, it was late and I was bored but not tired. I tend to not want to go to bed when Chad is gone, so I was thinking of something I could do. I had been painting a dresser for the baby earlier that day and I thought, "Why don't I paint some walls that are in need of a touch up?" Am I pregnant or what? So I went out and gathered all of the painting supplies and away I went. I taped and edged and painted those walls with primer. I painted three different walls with primer that night. I let it dry over night and then I started again on Friday morning with the color. I ended up painting another wall that I just couldn't let slide this time.Four walls primed and painted in two days. I felt good until Saturday morning. I got up and got the kids fed and ready to go to Cami's soccer game. I was coaching since Chad was gone. My back just got worse and worse until I got to the point where I really was struggling to walk. By that time it was the afternoon and it was time to go to Riley's indoor soccer game. On the way there, Chad called and said that he would meet us there. Thank goodness he did because when I tried to get out of the car and walk into the field, I could barely make it. Needless to say I won't be painting any time soon. My back was really bad for about four days and then it started getting a little better each day. I am bummed that my body is not as tight and strong as it used to be during other pregnancies. We are happy that Chad doesn't have to leave for camp again anytime soon. We love having him home. I love having him home to help and to hug and to talk to. Thank goodness nothing too bad happened this time around.

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