The Kings

One King, One Queen, Four Princesses and One Prince

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

It's Official...

We belong in West Point. We now feel like we belong in West Point. We have chickens!! Everyone out here in West Point has some kind of farm animal they are raising or some kind of farm equipment or four wheelers or something to make them countryish. We settled for chickens. Why chickens you ask? They're small. They live outside in a coop. They don't mess up your yard. They are cheap to replace. No vet visits. And the number one reason...They give EGGS!! We're becoming more self reliant people. By the way, this in no way affiliates us with any of the following terms: hick, hillbilly, white trash or red neck. We're just trying to fit in and do our part in providing for our family.
The yellowish one is Zoe and the black one in Stella. They are growing so big so fast. They have to live in this box for a few more weeks and I don't know if they'll make it that long. We might have to make an early retreat to the coop and put the heat lamp in there.

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