The Kings

One King, One Queen, Four Princesses and One Prince

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Rain + Pregnant Lady In Heels= Disaster

I have no picture with this post but I do have a funny/embarrassing story. On Friday I decided that after I dropped Cami off at school, I'd race over to Hobby Lobby for some scrapbook paper and then race back to Cami's school in time for her Halloween parade. I pulled up to Hobby Lobby with time to spare, and ran inside for what was supposed to be a 2 minute trip. I left Riley and Trev in the car because Trev was asleep. I get through the door that enters into the front of the store where the registers are and it just so happens that the store was pretty busy. 4 or 5 costumers as well as employees were in attendance. I'm on the phone and in a hurry so I'm walking pretty fast. My feet hit the tile of the entry way. First step...good. Second step...not so good. My right heel slipped to the inside of my body. I knew I was going down, I just didn't know in what kind of fashion. I go down to my right in super slow motion. Land on my knee and continue all the way down to my right elbow, because I was still talking on the phone, ending up in a clumsily pose similar to a highschool volleyball picture I once took...laying on my side, elbow on the ground, head in hand. This time no smile on my face. Just sheer embarrassment. I jump back up onto my feet and continue to the back of the store to get my paper. As I finish picking out my paper, a woman who is an employee and just happened to be walking into the store right behind me and was able to witness the fantastic display of style, proceeds to tell me that I need to fill out an Incident Report since employees witnessed the fall. Long story short and 20 minutes later of what was supposed to be a 2 minute trip, I exit the store with purchased scrapbook paper in hand and a copy of my incident report as well. I get in my car and Riley asked what took so long. I replied, "Mommy is a clutz and slipped and fell in the store." I ended up making it to Cami's parade and program because as it turns out it wasn't supposed to start until later. So after all of that I didn't need to hurry through the store. Oh well, atleast I have a good story to tell. (P.S. Me and the baby are fine! No injury was had by any of the participants involved in the Hobby Lobby Flop)


April Annie said...

That is such a great story! I hope you, your pride and your baby are all ok. Make sure you put that incedent report in your scrapbook and mount it on a piece of the paper you bought that day. :)

The Rockin Robertsons said...

Nothin says it like preger women goin down in fashion. I remember doin the same thing but to my horrior nobody saw me nor came to my rescue. Just me screaming for help. Good Job! I am SO GLAD you were wearing boots.