The Kings

One King, One Queen, Four Princesses and One Prince

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Rexburg continued....

We went and saw our old apartments to show the kids where we used to live. We remembered them being run down a bit but not like this. We had to laugh when we pulled up into the ghettos that were once our humble abodes. There were men working on the rooms in my apartment building. My apartment happened to be opened and had just received a fresh coat of paint and a new slab of carpet. I couldn't resist going in. It brought back so many memories. ( waking up to Nancy's freakin alarm clock, Getting ready next to Fister every morning, Walking with crutches up and down the stairs for two days, Being locked out of my apartment wearing nothing but a towel and being told that in order to be let back in I had to sing I'm a little teapot for all to hear...) What a fun time. Then I had to attempt the super woman pose on the railing that I used to do...I quickly realized that it is quite a hard thing to do while pregnant so I had to cheat a bit. It was fun though to visit and remember the way things used to be and the fun times I had in those run down apartments.


SeelyFamily said...

Just reading your posts about Rexburg brought back memories...I remember the super woman pose! AND...I will never forget you climbing over boxes and totes to tell me that Chad had finally kissed you! So fun! I am glad we got to be roomies! :)
By the way, you look so cute! Love the hair! So sassy!

Sarah said...

Ok that was creepy!! haha Soooooo glad you took these pictures! Wow, that brought back some serious memories. It totally looks the same, all except for the #405 business...must of been easier then the old lettering process...D5...haha!! So cool to see the temple pics! And the boys place is called "The Pines" gees...their place was so much nicer then ours. I'm jealous you're close enough to drive up there for a couple days. I'd love to show my husband everything. Again, this was so cool, thanks!

The Wright Family said...

That is hilarious! I'm fortunate or maybe unfortunate enough to get to see those quite often as I drive by :) Its funny that I actually chose to live there every semester until I got married- I guess anything cheap looks good to a poor college student