The Kings

One King, One Queen, Four Princesses and One Prince

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Almost Forgot About Carter Creek

I have to warn you this is going to be a long post. Last year we went to a place called Carter Creek and camped with a very good friend of mine, Eden, and her kiddos. We had so much fun that Chad and I decided to go again this year. We got a bigger cabin this time and it was perfect for all of us. We got there on a Thursday and it was sunny but cool. Then the rain came. It let up every now and then giving us just enough time for some adventure hikes or scavenger hunts and then it was back into the cabin when the rain came again. The following two days were the same as far as weather goes. We had to get creative with things to do in the cabin. We told stories and colored and acted out more stories and played hot potato and played with play dough. It was so much fun being together. All the kids were awesome. Everyone did really good. We had so much fun. We can't wait til next year to visit again. Hopefully we'll have better weather.

The first morning there. Making pancakes in the kitchen. Now that's camping!
Dad's turn to tell stories. These cabins are awesome. There were enough beds t sleep all of us and then some.

This is how we spent a lot of our time. We played inside a lot and had to come up with new games to play. This is me telling the kids a story. Probably the three little pigs. It was cramped but fun.

I LOVE this picture. My cute girls. They're so happy!!

This is right at the start of the hike. This bridge is right next to the fire pit and about 50 yards away from our cabin.

Pretty Pait borrowing her brother's sweatshirt because we forgot hers

This is all of the fam (minus me) at the beaver's only a small portion of the dam you see in the picture.

My kiddos found some cool mushrooms on the trail

This place is seriously so pretty...even in the rain

Almost done with the hike
This is one of a few bridges they have built that crosses over the stream at the camp

All of us after trying to go on a walk around the trails between storms. We ended up getting poured on

Chad and Trev FINALLY able to roast some marshmallows after the sun stayed out long enough to stay dry. The wood was wet and so was the paper. Luckily we had boy scout Chad with us and he was able to coax some flames out of the soggy mess.

Cami and Riley enjoying their smores

Yeah for smores!!

This was on the second day when the sun came out for a bit we were able to go on a hike on the trail by the cabins. It's a cute little hike and the kiddos loved it. We did this hike three or four times while we were there. There's a huge beaver dam at the turn around point so that is really fun to get to and look at.

Me and Chad and Pait on the hike...remember we were camping so I am not wearing any makeup

Trev and Cam picking flowers on the hike

Beautiful Riley

Me sitting on a log. I was dangling over a little stream about five or six feet over it.

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