The Kings

One King, One Queen, Four Princesses and One Prince

Friday, April 29, 2011

Hoppy Easter

Our first Easter egg hunt was held in California. The Easter Bunny came early and left eggs for all the kiddos. It was very fun and ranged all over the ranch. First the little kids got to find their eggs up around Grandma Gay and Papa's house. It was fun to watch Paityn finding the eggs. She had no clue why she was doing it but soon she realized that there were goodies in the eggs and she was all for it.Then the bigger kids got to look for their eggs around the pond. That was fun. The Easter Bunny was very creative with some of the hiding spots. They were able to find them all though. There was some money in some of the Easter eggs this year. The Easter Bunny was very generous this year.Thanks family!! We had a blast!

The whole crew. From left to right: Grandma Gay, Morgan, Riley, Cara, Kylie, Paityn, Grandma Cindy, Jacob, Cami, Trevor, Mckay and Tanner...and Roxy made an appearance too.
Trevor checking out his goodies after the hunt
Cam happy about her spoils
Riley was excited to add some money to her very empty piggy bank.

Next was our family Easter egg hunt on Easter morning. The kids were very excited about the Easter Bunny coming AGAIN. They had a good time finding all the treats and goodies. They needed help finding some of the eggs but all were found and that's not always the outcome.
Trev finding one of his eggs
Cami and her egg gumballs.
Cheese Riley!
After Paityn found her first snack she wanted to sit down and eat it. She did not want to waste time looking for anything else when she already had something good.
All done looking. Paityn is in the background in her highchair eating her snacks.
All dressed up and ready for church. These guys looked so stinking cute in their purple. I love my girls' dresses and Trev looks like a mac daddy in his purple shirt and tie.

Our third and last Easter egg hunt was at the Kings house. We had all the local cousins there. We had a good dinner and visited a little bit and then it was time to go hunting for some eggs. All the kids found their eggs and learned a very special lesson about the reason for Easter. Thanks Jim and Kathy. We had fun.
Grandpa reading stories to the kiddos
Trevor found his eggs and he was not letting them go.
Cami, Sara, Riley and Rachel
After the egg hunt I decided that I would jump on the trampoline for a little bit. I had forgotten how much fun it is to jump on a trampoline. I want one for my own.

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