The Kings

One King, One Queen, Four Princesses and One Prince

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Are we having a roast?...

For family night this week Riley really really wanted to roast marshmellows. She kept asking us " Are we having a roast?" So finally we told her we would and Chad went out and lit the fire. 3 burnt marshmellows, 7 broken crackers, 6 good smores and 4 smokey smelling people later... we were done.It was a good time and we all enjoyed being outside and not freezing.


Anonymous said...

There is nothing like a good "roast!" I love the little fire -pit in your patio...very convenient! and probably so nice to be able to sit STEADILY in chairs! We have a fire pit but it is surrounded by dirt (imagine that, living on a farm) and the ground isn't totally level...maybe someday we'll add some stones or concrete, but for now we are enjoying the "out in the pucker brush" feel of it all!:)

Anonymous said...

P.S. Are you "addicted" to blogging yet?! So fun, huh?

Meghan said...

I love that Riley calls it a roast! I was thinking she was wanting roast for dinner by the title of the post! I like your fire pit that would be nice for smores and hot dogs... lucky!!

P.S. we can't be friends if you can't spell my name still!!