The Kings

One King, One Queen, Four Princesses and One Prince

Monday, May 19, 2008

Smile for sister Trev

Riley loves to make Trevor laugh and smile. And she's really good at getting him to do it too.
Trevor loves to watch his sisters...most of the time... that is when they're not hanging on him or right up in his face. We try to explain to Cami that brother can't see you when you're so close to him that your noses are touching. Maybe someday it will click.
Riley is such a great big sister. She loves to hold Trevor and she has loved it since the day he came home from the hospital. But now it's looking as though he's getting a little too big for it.


the kings said...

So, Trevor really looks like Chad did as a baby. Is it just me? Also, as Trevor's favorite uncle (who he hasn't met yet), and as the other TJ in the family - I think my vote really matters a lot. Let's just hope he's better than his dad at bball.

Anonymous said...

What a great big sister! I don't know what I'd do without the big sister in our family...Trevor is growing fast! But, it seems like that is what these little people do!:)