The Kings

One King, One Queen, Four Princesses and One Prince

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I Scream, I Scream, We All Scream For Potty Training

So I finally took the plunge and decided to try and potty train Trevor. It all started about a week and a half ago when we were driving home from Boise. We stopped at a McDonald's for dinner and the girls and I had to go potty so we made our way to the girls bathroom. Suddenly Trevor was close behind saying he needed to go potty too. I took advantage of this opportunity because up to that point, when we had tried to get Trev to sit on the potty, he would YELL, "I not sit on potty!" and he'd run and hide. This time though, he sat on the potty without any problems. He did not go to the potty but I thought to myself, "maybe now is the time to try." I did not want to though KNOWING how much work was in store for me. So when we got home later that day I had him sit on the potty again before the tub and after his bath he put on big boy undies. He thought he was big stuff, until he peed in them 10 minutes later. I put another pair on him with the same result. Then I decided that it was time for bed. The next day I kept trying and he kept having accidents. Even when I would get him to the potty in time, he would not go. He did not know how. But as soon as he was off the potty with undies on, he could go no problem. After two days of this and laundry to no end, something finally clicked. He learned he could hold it and not go every 15 minutes. I still kept my eye on him everywhere he went, asking him if he had to go, but I wasn't having to change him or put him on the potty every 10-15 minutes. Hooray!! Once he got pee figured out it was onto number two. One time I was attempting to make him go pee on the potty, I left the bathroom in hopes that if I gave him privacy and he was able to relax something... ANYTHING would come out. And out it came indeed. Since then he has not had any big accidents. He is doing so AWESOME. I did not expect that at all. He still struggles with number 2 and not being able to let it all out , but that'll come with practice. He's such a fast learner and I have been PLEASANTLY surprised!! Three cheers for Trevor. He's a big boy!!

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