The Kings

One King, One Queen, Four Princesses and One Prince

Friday, June 13, 2008

The FOURS Tag... Thanks Eden!!

4 Jobs I have Had:
1. I worked for my family's business, Morgan's of California, every summer until I got married.
2. La Beaus... Yes I was a burger flipper...Actually I didn't make it that far. I mainly worked the cash register.
3. Tanning Studio...That was the best job for me while I was preggers with Riley.
I haven't had another job...just three!

4 Movies that I have watched more then once:
1. Princess Bride
2. Enchanted
3. Pistol
4. Fried Green Tomatoes

4 places that I have lived:
1. Winters, CA
2. Rexburg, ID
3. Logan, UT
4. West Point, UT

4 places that I have visited:
1. Spain
2. Puerto Vallarta
3. Disneyland
4. The Grand Canyon

4 favorite foods:
2.Olive Garden bread sticks
3. Steak
4. Lasagna

4 places I'd like to visit:
1. Italy
2. New York
3. Australia
4. Hawaii

4 things that I am looking forward to this year:
1. Going to California and taking Chad to San Francisco
2. Going to Bear Lake and camping and renting a jet ski
3. Having Christmas in Cali with my family
4. playing basketball in Cedar City for the summer games

4 friends that I am tagging:
1. Chelsea
2. Penny
3. Becca
4. Meghan


Jenny said...

christmas this year w/ your family should be lots of fun! so many new babies! :)

Anonymous said...

What? Playing basketball in Cedar City? Can I come? Dan and I lived in Cedar and went to school there after Ricks and I miss it so much sometimes! That is freakin' awesome! I am a little jealous...I'm just being honest!:)

P.S. I might be coming your way on July 10. Just me, mom and the kiddos. We shall see. I would love to see you if I make it down! And don't tell me you'll be in Cedar that day...I might just have to chase you down there!