The Kings

One King, One Queen, Four Princesses and One Prince

Friday, June 13, 2008

Three Tags in One

8 Things You May Not Know About Me:

1. When I was born I was 8 lbs. 1 oz. and I had black hair. Now I'm a petite little girl with very blonde hair.
2. I started gymnastics when I was 18 months old. I loved it.I was really good and I could do lots of tricks because I listened to the coach and did what she asked me to do. I practiced and got better and better. I'm not in gymnastics anymore but I am going to start them up again soon.
3. I love horses!!! I told my mom that I want to get a horse and keep it in our backyard. Mom told me that the horse would eat all of our grass and then poop a ton in the backyard and then what would we do? I told her that I would pick up the poop and I would feed it and take care of it. Mom told me not to hold my breath.
4. I want to be a mom when I grow up. I love talking about having my own kids and taking care of them when I'm older.
5. I have a bunch of boyfriends. Right now my main squeeze is Daxton Robertson. He is a cute boy and we both told our moms that we are going to marry eachother in the temple after Daxton gets home from his mission.
6. I'm very shy. I'm quiet most of the time especially if I don't know you. It takes me a while to warm up but once I do I am a fun girl who loves to play.
7. I learned how to read when I was three. I could read full sentences and some small books when I was three. Now I'm starting to read chapter books. The ones I'm reading right now are Junie B. Jones.
8. I love writing. I love making up stories or making cards for my family members. I'm a good writer and I love to draw too.

1. When I was born I had red hair and my mom said that I was going to be a fire cracker. She was right.
2. I love to make people laugh. I'm a goof ball and I will do whatever it takes to get anyone to laugh...over and over and over.
3. I love to talk. I can talk all day long and never get tired of hearing my own voice. My mom sometimes says "Cami all I need is two seconds of quiet" whatever that means.
4. I was potty trained at 18 months old. I loved using my Dora Explorer potty seat so I started to use it and became a pro really fast.
5. I love to help my mom take care of Trevor. Sometimes I'll take care of him while mommy gets ready and Trevor is sitting in his bouncer seat. My favorite thing to do is pull the seat back and count to three and then let it fly. Hold on tight Trevor.
6. I already have my husband picked out. His name is Tage and we have a love/hate relationship. We like to play together but almost always it ends up in a fight.He's younger then me so I have to take care of him and tell him what to do. I tell him that we're going to get married and he agrees. What else can he do.
7. I can't wait to go to school like Riley does and then I can ride the bus with my sister and that will be fun.
8. I love dogs and cats as long as they don't come close to me. I like to look at them from a distance and maybe someday I'll let them come close enough to pet them.

1. I was born three weeks early and I still weighed 8 lbs. and 2 ozs. Mommy calls me Trevor the Tank or T-Rex because I'm so big.
2. I started sleeping through the night when I was a month and half old.
3. I love watching people talking to me. I like to see new and familiar faces and when they do funny things I smile.
4. I love to be touched. When I was born the nurses and mommy and daddy tried to wake me up or keep me up by tickling me or by scratching my back and I would relax and let them keep trying cause it felt so good.
5. One time I pooped on my mom while she was changing my diaper.I tried to tell her to let me finish...she didn't listen.
6. I can fart as big as a grown man.
7. My farts stink worse then a grown man's.
8. My favorite place to be is in my bouncer seat with one balnket in my hands and the other wrapped around my face.I sleep a long time like that if my sisters are quiet.

Thanks Eden for the Tag! Now I TAG:
Penny: (Kaelynn, Hailey, and Chloe) Chelsea: (Elliot) and Meghan: (Maddox and Mason)

1 comment:

Jenny said...

i love reading about your kids! how fun!