The Kings

One King, One Queen, Four Princesses and One Prince

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Riley's Birthday

She's officially 6 years old and she looked so pretty today.I can't believe that she's actually 6 years old.I just keep thinking that if time doesn't slow down I'm going to find myself soon celebrating a wedding.She's so big...not really she's actually really petite...but she's just getting so big.
YIPPEE!!! Celebrating her birthday with some fun streamers.
We had to sing happy birthday again tonight when Chad got home and we just had enough cupcakes for all of us. So we lit the candles again and sang our hearts out and she got to make another birthday wish.
Daddy of course had to give the 6 birthday spanks!! Riley wasn't too keen on the idea but she's a daddy's girl so she went with it.

1 comment:

Meghan said...

Riley does look so cute in these pics! Cute outfit! You always have your kids dressed so cute! I can't believe she is 6! She was just tiny when we met you guys!