The Kings

One King, One Queen, Four Princesses and One Prince

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The newest member of KISS

Cami and Riley were fighting a lot yesterday so I had had enough and sent them to their room. Since they share a room I put Cami in my room. That was my first mistake. After a few minutes Cami came out to ask me something and I didn't even look at her because I was busy making dinner so I sent her back into my room to finish her timeout. That was my second mistake. After a few more minutes Chad got home and I figured I would let them out of timeouts and then Chad would have to deal with them for a little while. Cami came down to tell Chad hello and Chad said "Cami you need to go wash your face you have makeup all over it". So I walked over to see and as Cami, with hesitation, turned around to face me I noticed these black streaks rolling down her face. I took her back upstairs and asked her to show me what she put on.She pulled out the mascara and said with a smile "I put the black stuff on Mommy". I gave her a talking to and told her that she was in trouble.She started crying and I ran down the stairs to get the camera.As I pulled the camera up to take the picture Cami tried to smile and I started cracking up and then so did she. So I took the picture and told her that since she was crying she made her makeup run and that we better go wash it off. I tell you I knew from the start that she was going to be a tough one. I sure do love her though.


Meghan said...

She is so stinkin cute!! Yeah you are going to have your hands full with her!! She is spunky just like her Momma!

Rachel's Family Blurp said...

She cracks me up. She is just like you!!!!

Jenny said...

hey allison! i found your blog through nate and penny's! it's so good to see pictures of your family. what cute kids! hope all is going well!

Anonymous said...

That t-shirt says it all! You gotta love kids with some sneak and some spunk!!!
P.S. Check out my blog...there is a little something fun for you...You're IT!!