The Kings

One King, One Queen, Four Princesses and One Prince

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Summer Games/ Family Vacation

Well we went to Cedar City for the summer games with high hopes of playing good and keeping up with the competition. The only problem with those hopes were that when I was thinking about how the games would go in my mind...we were playing know my age...WOMEN!!! Instead we got there and ended up playing GIRLS. These kids were like 18, 19, and 20.We got wasted.We were out ran, out scored, out jumped... pretty much out played.We had no chance.We did our best but in the end we lost all four of our games.We talked to the head guy over the summer games and mentioned to him that he should start an older women's league so that we could have a chance.We played good but these girls were just too spunky.You know you're getting old when you can see the age difference in the way you play.Dangit!!! I was hoping that this day would never come.

Chad and the kids came with us and so did our friends Sam and Jen. Sam and Jen were awesome and helped watch the kids that my teammates brought. And they cheered me on as I was panting up and down the floor. Other then watching me play all we did was swim and eat and play games late at night. The girls had fun too.They wanted to be in the swimming pool all day long. If it wasn't for mom's basketball games getting in the way and ruining their plans, they could've.

Cami and Riley were beat at the end of each day because of the swimming and also because they were running around and playing basketball all day long.

Didn't you know that Riley could palm the ball? She's a stud muffin!!


Anonymous said...

I knew that I was getting old when instead of basketball shorts and shoes, I wore yoga pants and running shoes...oh play in.
I'm proud of you for playing! That is really fun!

Jenny said...

what a fun vacation! you're NOT old. :) it would make sense, though, to have different age groups at the games.

love the picture of riley palming the ball. impressive.